Full Arch Digital Workflows 

Clinicians and labs are seeking fully digital workflows for their full arch cases that save them time and offer an aesthetic screw retained provisional restoration.

Many options in the market today are costly and require significant training. Scan bar is a patient specific bar designed to work with regular multi-unit abutment scan bodies and an intra scanner to replicate the patient for a provisional prosthesis. 


Scan Bar Benefits

Full arch screw retained provisional restorations  

No Surprises

•  Pre-planned, prosthetically driven

•  Use your IOS scanner, no need to invest in anything else

•  The workflow uses guided protocols planned with Implant Concierge (IC)

• A screw-retained printed provisional prosthesis designed by Implant Concierge 


• You print or we print

• Less expensive

• No need for special scan bodies

• Deliver the screw retained provisional restoration the day of or the day after surgery

Scan Bar - Pre-planned, prosthetically driven protocols
ZimVie Scan Bar

Scan Bar Features

Making a great impression…digitally 


Scan Bar streamlined protocol, simplified digital workflow

Scan Bar Advantages

No need to purchase expensive capital equipment 


Scan bar is patient specific and printed by Implant Concierge, or in house

What Our Customers Are Saying

Design with confidence

Frequently Askeded Questions    

Three Simple Steps 

to Better Dental Care